Originally Posted By: Southphilly13
Bottom feeders?? Really? This coming from a 45 year old pizza delivery boy....lmao

I'm actually 53. And don't let the username fool you. I do all right tongue grin.

You know what? Bottom feeders was probably a poor choice of words on my part. But for what it's worth, read my entire post. I also used the phrase "middle management."

And do you want to know the God's honest truth? I honestly hope that your brother is one of the guys who beats these charges. The way I figure it, he's been in for what, five years already?

If he was charged with this crap back then, he probably could have made a plea to run everything concurrent for zero to little additional time. So from that point of view, I can see why you think he got the shaft, because these charges are so old.

But I wouldn't hold my breath on the bosses. While I agree that the witnesses were pretty much human garbage, the tapes were pretty damning. We'll see what happens.

And just for shits and giggles, the origin of my username: It's from "There's Something About Mary." Towards the end of the film, Matt Dillon says it to the phony Englishman: "Tell her the truth, Pizzaboy!" When I signed up for this site almost seven years ago, that movie was on in the background. When I was prompted for a username, that scene was on. Simple as that.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.