Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Sign o the times changing.

Illinois GOP back Gay Marriage Bill


Everywhere gay marriage bills are being introduced, they'll likely pass stste houses. One of the signs of change is in the party chairman's statement that allowing gay marriage reinforces a core Republican value that citizens be treated equally under the law. Gay rights being mentioned in the same sentence with principles grounded in the XIV Amendment was an area where GOP leadership wouldn't easily enter.

While we previously discussed the cases pertaining to gay marriage, which are pending before the Supreme Court, we pretty much opined that the Court will likely strike down that portion of DOMA, which doesn't recognize gay marriages in states where they are legal, but not rule on the broader issue of whether the XIV Amendment provides a right to gay marriage.

I feel eventually the right for gays to marry will be protected by the Constitution, but my question is how many states will have passed legislation approving gay marriage by the time the supreme Court makes such a ruling.