That's amazing, Gi. Really... it's surreal. It looks like it's somehow edited with camera magic. And it's so cute how he kind of is freaked out by it and gets scared when he's about to touch it and it moves. lol

The song doesn't really loop througout the whole ride... at one point there's another song, then it's quiet at some "spooky" parts, there are village scenes with like pub/bar noises, dialogue, a battle between two ships, etc. I guess they just put this one for the video because it'd be easier than actually picking up the music from the ride's speakers.

I was at Disneyland like 3 months ago, which sucks because now I want to go see this new stuff but I refuse to go back so soon. And when I went, there was already a bunch of new stuff on the ride from the previous time I'd gone, and some other old stuff taken out, and so on-- I'd heard they were re-doing it but I assumed that was it. Oh well, maybe I'll go after like November when the weather cools down.