I grew up outside of Boston, I use to see Marvin doing his road quite often. When I was out at some of the clubs and bars in Brockton, MA Marvin would just walk in, keep in mid this was during his prime, he was world champ.

He would walk into a place by himself or with one other guy and mix an mingle with his fans. Everyone loved him, he would sign napkins or whatever we had handy. He never seems bothered by all the attention and he never had a group, driver of body guard with him.

There would have been a dozen guys that would have stepped up and beat a heckler to near death, not that he needed our help, lol..

Sometimes the place would break in applause or chants of "champ, champ, champ" as he walked in trying to slip beneath the radar.

To be next to him as he stood 5'8" and 160 lbs was amazing, he was hard as steel. A real good guy...

"In onore della Famiglia la Famiglia e' aperta"