The drones used all the southern border with Mexico are not armed and are used for surveillance purposes. They are one of the most cost effective means of tracking illegal border crossings - drug related and otherwise.

I have no problem with them being used in other places to monitor illegal activities. I am not sure why anyone would have an issue with using them for that purpose, except the criminals.

LOL - drones are usually not heard by people on the ground. They fly at ~10,000 feet and very quiet. I dont think there is any chance they will be armed and deployed along the border, or inside the US, in a manner like they are in Afganistan or a war zone. Please, be serious.

Lastly, the Patriot Act is the law that outlines the government's access to information from emails, phone calls, Drone video and audio etc. There are plenty who wish to debate the merits of the Patriot Act versus Civil Liberties / Protection of Personal Info, etc. I am fine with my personal info being potentially viewed than have another 9/11 or worse. Just my 2 cents.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.