So you like to portray yourself as a hero like Steven Segal or John Cena you just need a good broad to save from a burning building to keep your company... I don't know if you practice the art of the samurai to instill disincline ....I've always rooted for the underdog/loner like Samuel L. Jackson in the negotiator even though he isn't like a tough guy like yourself..but is clearly outnumbered and goes to extreme measures to concur the day...We all have hobbies, different lifestyles, and different opinions and that's whats this board is about give our opinion on whatever the topic might be..if we though all had the same answers it would be a boring world wouldn't it. A disucssion board is a debate and people who have a collective interest on a common subject matter. Ask Pizzaboy and Mark IMO they are the all-american hero

Random Poster:"I'm sorry I didn't go to an Ivy-league school like you"

"Ah I actually I didn't. It's a nickname the feds gave the
Genovese Family."