
I could be wrong on Giuseppe De Vito and Piccirelli but I thought they both ran a drug smuggling operation out of one of the airports in Montreal as well as cigarette smuggling with Ray Kanho.

As for the permission from the Bonanano's for Nick Sr, If Montagna was involved which I agree is likely he may have asked for permission from the Bonanno but I don't think anyone else in Montreal cares about the Bonanno's. The Bonanno's are or were in Disarray in New York at that time and with massive number of rats coming from that family I can't see many outsiders wanting to risk be involved with them.

I personally don't think the Bonanno's have any influence in Montreal anymore. Montagna gave it a last ditch effort but was whacked by a french guy with seemingly no retaliation. I think that shows how little respect he garnered in Montreal. If the Bonnano's are still involved in Montreal I think police would have an idea as that family is Rat central.