He's in the max,Anthony B. It happened in Shirley Medium, i watched it all from the weightroom window. The screws were tearing his cell apart while he was out in the yard,someone told him and he gave someone his radio and calmly walked out of the yard,approached IP Smith and put him on the ground and grabbed his walky-talky and started swinging it at his head. CO Stone came running up behind Anthony, and Anthony turned around and fuckin speared him to the ground. But thats right when about literally 50 cops came running and piled up onto to anthony and took him to the hole. He's back in the max out and done with his d.d.u. time. I had breakfast with him that morning just like very other morning, and that was the last time i'll prolly ever see him. He's doing life for the Kevin McCormack murder which i've been told was really B.A. But it was before B.A. was ever made and he did the hit for Barry. Anthony's a solid guy,and a killer no doubt.
Anyways what pissed him off so much was,Anthony had his own single cell wich in Shirley takes you atleast two years to get,and he had tons of color porn mags,windbreaker jackets,clothes,all types of stuff that werent on his proberty books and thats what the cops were in there taking from him.He's also probly the best prison cook ive ever met,and they took his heating elemets we'd hook up under the steel seat in our cells. He's a no-nonsense type of guy and he felt disrespected,that being also the SECOND time they searched his cell that day,waiting for him to be off the unit to actually take stuff. I met him through Billy B,who i call my pal in past posts but to be honest with you I stopped being tight with Billy because he's more of a wankster these days(Anthony agreed with me on that).Billy talks to the co's more than other co's!