One of my favorite "ingredients" is Propylene glycol; a food preservative AND found in anti-freeze. Yummy.

Propylene glycol is considered Generally Recognized As Safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and it is used as an humectant (E1520), solvent, and preservative in food and for tobacco products. It is also used in pharmaceutical and personal care products.[4] Propylene glycol is a solvent in many pharmaceuticals, including oral, injectable and topical formulations, such as for diazepam and lorazepam that are insoluble in water, use propylene glycol as a solvent in their clinical, injectable forms[6]

Like ethylene glycol, propylene glycol is able to lower the melting point of water, and so it is used as aircraft de-icing fluid.[4][7] It is similarly used as automotive antifreeze.[8]

Propylene glycol is an ingredient in the oil dispersant Corexit, used in great quantities during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill[9][10]

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12