Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
idk, if i was the feds and nicodemo flipped i would let the normal process work out by not revealing he flipped and let the current trial continue to see who is convicted or not, then i would double down and reveal nicodemo has been cooperating and file new indictments against everybody possible using his testimony, imagine what kind of psychological effect that would have on somebody like staino or borgesi who could very well be found guilty as of now having to face the prospect of new charges,another trial, and possible murder charges then the birds would really start singing imo

Of course. They may get convicted anway. But what could theoretically happen is this: The jury announces a not guilty verdict. The boys cheer. The Philly wannabes applaud. The Feds have the marshals rearrest them a minute later in the very same courtroom, the very same day. No time to celebrate. It has happened before. They can just keep the indictment sealed until the verdict.

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