Originally Posted By: pmac
question for the philly people is it still a death penalty state? either way why the hell wont this guy flip he's 41 a soldier and his life is over one way or the other.does he flip by friday 4pm. that lawyer jacobs is gonna have to break the bad news to all his clients in the fed pen.

yep death penalty state

idk, if i was the feds and nicodemo flipped i would let the normal process work out by not revealing he flipped and let the current trial continue to see who is convicted or not, then i would double down and reveal nicodemo has been cooperating and file new indictments against everybody possible using his testimony, imagine what kind of psychological effect that would have on somebody like staino or borgesi who could very well be found guilty as of now having to face the prospect of new charges,another trial, and possible murder charges then the birds would really start singing imo

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.