All this boston talk and im not involved whats up giys u know im born ans raised in boston uncle connected guy love the feedbacks and convo just would like to have my input and correct certains things....meffa whats up your in the north shore different world than boston a diverse world with strong italian heritage i see the only projects thats all white in boston is none d street old colony n mccormack in southie still have whites as well as the ones in charlestown still have whitez but the blacks took over long ago the only place whites are outside of boston the inner city is all blacks and thats where everything goes down believe me kid im right in the marconi club in roxbury and huh lets just say this when i was a kid rat flemmi and martorano killed on dudley in roxbury and bowdoin on dorchester than goes to townie or southie and have a drink today of its not yuppie southie or yuppie charlestown or yuppie roslindale and westie boston was a ghetto then with oc and crooked politicains and a ghetto now with crooked politicains and young punks blacks shooting blacks

raymond l.s.patrairca sr to u.s. state committee- " if i didnt have my case coming up ill to come back in here with two gentlemen and when this is over with and really lay down the law, yous guys been giving me nothing but alot of hookwhick and i wish i wasnt on trial and have this case and really tell the united states whats going on "
Jerry Anguilo on wartime with winter hill - " If we got to war we got Joe Russo and the maverick boys so we have nothing to worry about they can go to vietnam and come back untouched "