Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
is it true that gerry anguilo "bought" his button with his 100k/monthly tributes to patriarca?

Rumor had it, Larry Zannino started shaking down gerry and many think it was at the old man's suggestion. This forced Gerry down to Providence with a bag of money to buy his button.

Gerry's worth to the organization was his business mind, people said he was brilliant and he started the business of having bookies "lay off" action to a central bank so they could hedge their bets.

He wasn't well liked because he was an a$$.

Another story I liked about him was when he was arrested, he's sitting in the court house and asks the prosicutor "does you mother still live over on Williams Street in that old grey duplex"...lol...I guess that would send a chill up your spine.

"In onore della Famiglia la Famiglia e' aperta"