Originally Posted By: spmob
I knew there had to be something off about you. No lika americana futobala?lol Anyway, I wasn't trying to be stupid (although I did have to look up what derp meant). Just trying to understand why Chicago guys seem to think there is more going on with the Outfit then there actually is? I have noticed a trend. Not just you. I was hoping you can explain where it comes from. I follow philly the closest and think I know a lot about them thats in and out of the news. But you have never heard me praise them or talk about them being bigger then they actually are. The FBI are on point with the amount of members and there basic activites. But when you talk to a chi town guy they are always talking about how secretive the outfit is and that the FBI doesnt know anything about them. But yet this guy on the internet who lives near Chicago knows more and I am suppose to believe them instead.

Buddy, buddy, no one is asking you to believe anything. This whole thread was more or less three Chicago guys shootin the shit, not much else. Ever think that you notice this trend because (gasp!) there may be some truth to it? I don't think there is a need to talk or gossip about philly, those guys do a good enough job of that themselves. You'll never catch a chicago guy on access Hollywood like a skinny merlino. the fact is, the outfit are certainly the most secretive group, this is not debatable. The feds are completely unreliable when it comes to the outfit, I don't know what is so difficult for you to grasp about this. Just because the clowns out in philly shit where they eat and walk with their nuts out doesn't mean Chicago is like that. The ideals & traditions are extremely different here. Being flashy & flamboyant is considered cowardly & shameful