I saw some documentary about Jack Falcone and the guy playing Greg DePalma I found funny I guess he does a good job especially when he hits the guy in the deopartment store hopefuly I can find the link [/quote]

Haha I've seen that. If I can find the link ill post it. My favorite part of the reinactment is when greg depalma is driving jack garcia somewhere in a mini van, they pull up at a jewelry store and depalma comes out with the corniest pinkie ring ever as a gift to jack garcia. The ring looked like something a ranchero mexican would buy out of a vending machine. Tin foil rolled in some glitter. What a classy guy depalma was, not to mention a genious, almost proposing a fat cuban for membership.[/quote]

What's a ranchero mexican mean I looked it up but couldn't find anything for it? [/quote]

A herdsman; a peasant employed on a ranch or rancho. • (n.) The owner and occupant of a ranch or rancho.
