Well, he´s certainly an individual who´s got his facts wrong that´s for sure.

Rico, you are still not going to answer any of my questions are you? Being defensive does not help you in any way, I can tell you that. Why don´t you just admit that your sources are in fact crazy ideas popping up in your head while reading comic books and taking baths?
You are living in a fantasy world, pretending to be a wiseguy who knows stuff about the outfit just because you "heard things on the street". It´s time to wake up and smell the coffey my friend. Get back to reality, get real and stop bullshitting about the outfit being an all mighty gang with pull throughout the US, Mexico, Carribean, Central America etc. You look like a fool.

One more thing. I hope I´m not hurting your feelings...but Giancana was a muppet!

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