I will agree and disagree. I personally believe that Apple products are great and very beneficial to make our lives easier/more convenient. However, the past year or so they have been coming out with products WAY too quickly following the rest of another.

If they want to update their iPhone or iPad line yearly, I have no problem with that. Minor tweaks are appreciated (remember, just because they offer it doesn't mean you have to buy it!) I personally skipped the iPhone 4S to wait for the iPhone 5. It sucked waiting an extra year but I'm glad I didn't have to wait an additional 2 or more or bite the bullet and buy a phone I wasn't really crazy about. However, this year Apple released the iPad 3 and within 6 months, for some reason, decided to release the iPad 4. A lot of customers were upset and rightly so and for some of them (I'm not quite sure how they figured this out with the exception of you had to have purchased it through Apple itself), were able to swap out their iPad 3 for an iPad 4. I'd be upset if they release another iPad Mini in 5 months with retina display because I'd pay the extra for the retina display and the original that I bought would only be 5 months old. However, I purchased mine from Wal-Mart, not Apple direct, so I'd be screwed if they allowed people to upgrade again. But again, I have no problem with them updating their products yearly, just not every 6 months now!