This gives an idea of the world wide reach of rizzuto. These guys were all acquitted and forfeiture of their assets reversed. From what I have read Vito was the main investor here in a big consortium so this is going to be a huge windfall of cash back to the Rizzuto family.
Also the acquittal of Vito's co-accused likely eliminates any small chance Vito had before of being extradited back to Italy to face these charges.

Also I'm not aware of any other charges against him in Italy so this may give him the possibility to one day return to Sicily.

CATHOLIC ERACLEA. "The fact there is." With this formula widely release were acquitted by the Court of Rome all the defendants in the trial, which was celebrated with the ordinary procedure, the investigation resulted mafia "Brown Bear" conducted by the DIA Operations Centre in the capital.

On trial in recent years - accused of mafia association in various capacities transnational fraudulent transfer of assets, money laundering, market manipulation, insider trading - there were Benjamin Jewel Zappia, 74 years, Joseph French, 58, Roberto Papalia, 67, Diego Olivieri, 60, Rodolfo Fedi, 75, and Geoffrey Peter Huxley, 86 years. The ruling - which comes exactly five years, one month and one day after the operation October 23, 2007 brought in custody 19 alleged members of the Italian-Canadian Rizzuto clan in Italy - in addition to the acquittal also contemplates the restitution of heavy goods .

Nell'Agrigentino are dissequestrati entrepreneur Giuseppe Spanish goods which had been stolen as well as accounts of property between Cattolica Eraclea, Montallegro, Ribera and Cianciana. And also the assets owned by Beniamino Zappia Gioeiello, considered the "colonel" of the Rizzuto in Italy that was shuttling between Catholic and Milan, which had been seized, among other things, valuable works of art, including paintings by Guttuso, De Chirico, Dali.

At the center of the investigation of Dia, carried out in collaboration with the Unit of the Guardia di Finanza tax police in Milan and developed under the program of police cooperation between Italy and Canada, the alleged attempt to laundering $ 600 million from drug trafficking through the Made in Italy Spa, located in front of Palazzo Chigi, directed by Mariano Turrisi (already sentenced to 7 years in prison with expedited) that, according to the DIA, followed the operation on behalf of boss Vito Rizzuto.

The investigations would have allowed according to the investigators to discover activities undertaken by the Rizzuto clan by "cells" operating income in Italy, North America, France and Switzerland, with the aim of gaining control of important economic activities and entrepreneurial activities. Passed to the X-ray investigators "a criminal structure characterized by the transnationality of their criminal activities and headed by the Rizzuto family, originally from Cattolica Eraclea, historically linked to the association [BadWord]-Caruana Mafia, a native of Siculiana, and the Bonanno family in New York City" . The acquittal of the six accused has radically changed the construct accusatory. For suspects living abroad, including the "Godfather" Vito Rizzuto, was sought extradition to Italy.