I just read D-Day by Anthony Beever. He is a great historical writer and i have read a few of his books. This is a great account of D-Day and the battle for Normandy. It's all in here, the bloody beach landings, the attritional slog after that, the horrendous battles at Caen and Falaise. Patton in all his glory and Monty(despite being a British hero) being a complete pain in the behind to all concerned. The suicidal, fanatical bravery of the SS who kept the Germans in the fight a lot longer than they should and last but not least the all consuming arrogance of De Gaulle who insisted on French soldiers liberating Paris even though it was Americans, Brits and Canadians who did all the dying to get there!!!!!

Brilliant book, worth a read!

I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!