one thing i've been meaning to mention, it would be really cool if rick met back up with that black guy and his son from episode 1. while this season has been full of action, it seems to have a much different feel than the first 2 seasons. i haven't read the comics because i don't want to spoil anything, but i hope the show doesn't get too weird. while michonne is an interesting character, i hope she doesn't get any more mysterious as she is starting to remind me more of some dumb superhero than a real person. i guess what i'm trying to say is that i hope the show doesn't stray too far from its roots and start to go in a more fantasy/less practical direction that it seems to maybe be heading! with that said, its still tied with SOA as my favorite show, although SAMCRO has really been amazing this season!

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!