Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
You can bet the GOP will be building up the likes of Rubio/Jindal/Martinez. They have to do something to show they don't hate non-whites.

Speaking of Latinos, I can't think of his name but does anyone remember the Latino speaker at the Dem Convention? confused I don't remember if he was a mayor/governor or what BUT he was awesome. Reminded me much of when the President first spoke (as Senator Obama)years ago at the Dem. convention. I look for him to go places too.


Julian Castro, Mayor of San Antonio.

As Peggy Noonan pointed out, although most people polled thought Romney could handle the economy better, they thought Obama cared more about them. That's the difference and talk radio is already doing nothing to help Republicans change that thought.

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
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