Just re-read a really terrific read (and solid stocking stuffer for the history buff in your family) in CITIZEN-IN-CHIEF.


Anyway as a book about Ex-Presidents it runs up to '08, when it documented the Dubya White House in its 2nd term involving the Dubya Presidential Library, which ultimately SMU down in Texas won the bid to be home to his presidential papers and museums and all that. (The book dismissed Presidential libraries in recent decades as "monuments to ego." lol) The book also documented Clinton's own questionable fundraising which may or may not involved kickbacks in his 2nd term. The number that shocked me was the Saudi Arabian government donating $10 million to his library as a "gift" to Clinton. Anyway a terrific read.

I would guess the Obama Library would go to Illinois, right? Hawaii have been actively campaigning for it too. Not that it matters ultimately.

Reading this article, does however remind me of Duke and Stanford more or less refusing to house Nixon's presidential papers because of faculty opposition which in retrospect in both cases was a very foolish decision.
