Originally Posted By: HandsomeStevie
sorry to say it buddy but you have NO IDEA what your talking about. my brother is a general manager at taco bell and makes 61K a year. and he didnt goto college!& he started at 55k 3 years ago. So an agent that went to college makes at a bare minimum 80-90K a year... if you dont believe me, google it. dont worry though buddy you cant always be right! lol

Nobody said federal workers make a lot starting out, I AM RIGHT. You obviously dont know anything about the GS Scale.

Some jobs pay more than others, its all relative. Obcourse the federal worker is not on his feet like a mcdonalds or taco bell worker and is in line for promotions within the agency along with pension, higher pay,etc.
Originally Posted By: HandsomeStevie
sorry to say it buddy but you have NO IDEA what your talking about. my brother is a general manager at taco bell and makes 61K a year. and he didnt goto college!& he started at 55k 3 years ago. So an agent that went to college makes at a bare minimum 80-90K a year... if you dont believe me, google it. dont worry though buddy you cant always be right! lol

try again,you think an agent with a bachelors degree makes 80-90k starting salary? you must be smoking some of that colorado newly legalized weed.

nice try though

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.