Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

In the pig's pork, they will.

No pun intended grin.

I remember a recent PEW poll which claimed nearly 40% of College Republicans were in favor of SSM, and in fact this election cycle a good many chapters (as NYT reported) purposely avoided talking about social issues when trying to recruit their age groups. (The Arizona Young GOP Chairwoman is in fact pro-SSM and pro-choice.)

The funny thing is, the GOP can mute this electoral issue by doing one simple thing: Get the House/Senate GOPers to repeal DOMA.

That btw was the bill (signed into law by Bubba) where in clear violation of Constitutional federalism, states didn't have to recognize the marriage licenses (i.e. gay marriage licenses) issued from other states. Which meant say a New York license wouldn't be recognized in Tennessee.

Well if DOMA was repealed, that wouldn't be the case anymore and wouldn't that make Gay Marriage more or less a mute issue? Sure fights will continue in states whether to personally themselves approve of it or not, but I wonder if that would take alot of ammo out of it?

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Lyndsey graham, a senator for South Carolina said he would kick anyone's ass who said the republicans needed to go MORE conservative lol I think that most of the conservative side is adhering a wake up call but it won't happen over night.

And he's absolutely right. It's a constant cop-out whine.

Really I said this earlier this year, but maybe it should be the case in '16: Sacrifice one national election cycle and let the base run their Tea Party, border fence, Evangelical freak. Their McGovern, if you will.

That base needs to be whipped hard into submission, as it took just about forever for the Dems with their liberal base.

Who knows, maybe (in fact they will) will make a comeback someday since ideological swings have a lifecycle of a few decades.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 11/09/12 02:02 PM.