Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
On a lighter note, I find it hysterical that the conservatives are already "evolving" on immigration. They're already campaigning for 2016.

Good grief! lol

Well, I'm more interested to see who they prop up for their candidacy. Worst of it is just as Maher said, no matter how centrist their candidate is, the whole crazy circus would end up in Washington. All those drama about Terri Schiavo. Do you remember?

And look at this. Of course he is entitled to his opinion. But how can GOP pander to its base and be evolved at the same time?

I Wept Last Night
Written By: John - Nov• 07•12
I don’t know how you reacted to the President’s re-election, but I can tell you how I reacted…I wept. American just re-elected a man whose political party made the very things God hates their plank. I wept not so much for myself, but for the four daughters that were sleeping in my house. What does this mean for them? What kind of world will they have when they are my age?

I wept not so much for myself but for the millions of babies that will continue to be aborted year after year. Make no mistake this president will continue to create a culture of death and will most likely appoint at least two people to our Nation’s Supreme Court. Any guesses as to how the people he appoints will feel about Roe verses Wade? Without a move of God abortion is here to stay and there is nothing that we can do about it.

I wept not so much for myself but for the status of marriage in our nation. Recently the president came out in favor of homosexual marriage…is it a coincidence that states are now voting to legalize it? What happens to churches that are against it? What happens to pastors who refuse to perform the ceremony? What happens to church members who are against it? What happens? The day is soon coming that if you speak of homosexuality as a sin you will be labeled a bigot and tried for hate speech.

I wept no so much for myself but for the very people who reelected our president. Have they read Romans 1:18-32? Do they know that the open acceptance of the things God hates is not a sign that judgment is coming; rather, it is a sign that judgment is already here? I think that above all of the other reasons—I wept because I knew judgment is here.

So how do we respond? In my flesh I want to shout SECESSION! When I look at the Electoral College map it just frustrates me to no end. A few states in the extreme corners of our country are making the decisions. The country I know and love would for the most part be the country I know and love without the North East, the West Coast, and the lower section of Florida. But I know secession is not going to fly anymore than it did during the Civil War so how do we respond?

First, we must pray. We are told in the Scriptures to pray for our leaders. God used Nebuchadnezzar just as much as He used David. Do not forget that! God is still in heaven and He is in control and that is true regardless of who is in the White House. We must pray for our president to have wisdom. We must pray for our congress to have wisdom. We must pray that God will confuse the counsel of the enemy and that His Word would be sought. We must pray.

Second, we must submit. Romans 13:1-2 specifically tells us to submit to the governing authorities and it specifically states that “For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” When you resist the authority Paul says you resist God. So we must submit.

Third, we must share the Gospel. Those four corners of the country that my flesh wants to cut off the map happen to be the corners that need the Gospel. Politics will not change our nation…the Gospel will change our nation. Please hear me…you will not change this world by giving to political parties…you will change this world by living the Gospel, sharing the Gospel, and supporting those who share it. We must continue to support our army of missionaries here and across the world. We must share the Gospel.

Finally, we must (and you may laugh at this one) continue to have children and rear them in the things of God. I can think of no better missionary force than for the people of God to have God-fearing children. Kim and I have four beautiful daughters who love Jesus. The world they face is an uncertain world, but I will do all I can to teach them to follow Him. We must see the value of life not only as a thing to be supported, but also as a thing to be created. Go have babies and bring them up in the Lord and let’s teach them the very things of God!


"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones