some soldiers report directly to the boss and in the 70tys. big paul had soldiers like funzi mosca and d.b. report direct to him gotti had guys like that to maybe its alot more common today. some of these old guys made in the 50tys there still active but are only soldier i bet there word holds more weight and are more respected then a 45 yr old capo who was made 10yrs ago. bonanno's have to have a street boss they got atleast 60+ guys in the street maybe a capo volunteerd just to right the ship not even for money or power.steps down as soon as a boss comes home or selected. ever since carmine persico been in prison he finds someone to step up.scarpa said in the 70tys persico had dibella step in as acting boss just cause persico wasnt offical boss yet.

Last edited by pmac; 11/08/12 07:28 PM.