3 fun facts, if they haven't been posted yet:

*Obama is the first Democratic President to win the Plurality popular vote since FDR. (Bubba failed both times thanks to Perot.)

*Since 1928, the GOP haven't won a national election without Nixon or either Bush on the ticket.

*Of the last 6 national elections, GOP have won the popular vote only once. ('04)

Originally Posted By: klydon1
In '84 when Reagan took every state comfortably, except for Mondale's home state of Minnesota, whichwas decided by less than a percent (I think), there was a lot of talk about the death of the democratic Party and what they needed to do. The conventional perspective of the party at that time was that it was a small, fragmented coalition of unions, minorities, and special interests without a central unifying theme. Back then 88% of the electorate was white.

I think the Republicans have obvious problems connecting with the young, minorities and women (particularly single women), but their most glaring problem is that their agenda seems to be driven by the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, evangelicals, FoxNews and Trump. While Romney was not exactly representative of this mindset, he still pandered to the far right and could not escape its influence.

I'll never forget what Scott McClelland (former Dubya press secretary) saying that he learned too late that he and the WH didn't run the Republican Party. Fox News (and that media) who ran the agenda.

You know I'm very surprised by the youth turnout being HIGHER than it was 4 years ago. Sure Obama lost 6 points from his '08 total, but he still won comfortably 60%.

I have no proof, but I really wonder if Obama publicly supporting Same Sex Marriage (and pretty much Gay Rights as a whole) is what fueled that youth turnout, especially in northern states where the NOM and those Evangelical wingnuts tried to ban gay marriage. The younger generations, my age bracket, are much more tolerant, much more over the "gay issue" than older peoples are. If the GOP keep openly running against that like it's still 1984, they'll pay for it.

Funny enough the NOM people are now bitching that Willard lost because he tried to avoid the social issues like the plague. No Willard knew better, that America is slowly but surely going not liberal but libertarian regarding gay rights.

Meanwhile, NOM were 0-4 this time in their crusade. Maryland, Maine, and Washington approved SSM. Minnesota rejected a state amendment that would've banned SSM. Go away you crazy assholes. Or better yet, go to the one country in the world that loves your view on women and gays.

Iran. I'm sure they'll call you heroes for the faith. And then lecture you for not car bombing the infidels.