I saw George Will after the election pimping Marco Rubio* as the GOP's potential savior in '16, and honetly I like you George, you're intelligent, but you're really really really missing the lesson from this election.

People didn't vote for Bubba in '92 because he was a redneck. He made his party attractive to middle class voters again, triangulated in scoring moderate voters away from the GOP while keeping his party's (whipped) liberal base.

For all his faults, Dubya saw the demographic writing on the wall and campaigned not against Hispanics and stoking whitey's anger, but his "compassionate conservatism." Skinny Vinny, for his obsession about race, he is right that not all Hispanics are lock-stop Democrats and liberals. Dubya won 40% of the Latino vote in '04, record % for a GOP candidate. His party lost 20% of that vote in the next 2 subsequent elections.

Why? After Dubya failed at his immigration reform effort (thanks to his party's base), that's when you had the same Rocky Mountain/Southwest GOPers of that party base go insane with the border fence and Minute Men and all that. Cream topping being the Arizona anti-immigration bill, where cops could (initially) pull over any person that "looked" like an illegal immigrant. (I.E. anybody who looked Hispanic, whatever that means.)

As Skinny did mention (in his blunt language), there are right-winger Hispanics, people who're citizens (most likely lived in America their whole lives) and done every thing and by the book. But I'm pretty certain a good number of them got PISSED OFF when their own party did this because fuck you racist rednecks if you think I'm an illegal immigrant just because I'm a tad too brown for you. It's fucking condescending.

The funny thing was, Obama did nothing for his own party's Latino voting bloc legislatively except for half-heartedly pushing DREAM Act. Hell he deported more people in his first term than Dubya's two terms combined. (Or just about.) Except the GOP in the primaries played to that same dumbass Rocky Mountain/Southwest party base, especially Willard who really nailed Rick Perry's presidential campaign dead to rights over his Texan bill allowing children of illegal immigrants to go to state college. (Which actually a pragmatic solution to a lose-lose isue, but to the GOP that's EVIL!)

And afterwards, the GOP/Willard made little...I'm sorry, no effort to backtrack and make up for that whole "self-deporting" line of his. Instead GOP/Karl Rove concentrated more on raising the white vote out, as it had worked back in the 80s and onward. Well that shit aint gonna work anymore. Willard won the highest white voting % since Reagan in '84, and shit full of good it did him.

What can the GOP do to win back some of that vote? Well for one each time those western GOPers go off about immigrants and all that, RNC should kick them in the balls publicly and tell them to fuck off. Run the party, don't let them do it.

Second, actually be up for Immigration Reform or at least willing to negotiate a bill (or more) to fix that problem. I'm pretty sure Obama will go for that in his 2nd term. Rail against it in typical white rage this side of Fox News, you'll only convince those same Hispanic voters that they're right about their Democratic votes.

If you listen to those idiots who scream AMNESTY! AMNESTY! AMNESTY!, you know what might happen in '16? You'll hear the other side chant this: FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!

Third, Obamacare is here to stay. Instead of still running on Repeal/Replace, instead run on Reform, practical solutions to fixing the holes in it. Because once Obamacare finally kicks in during Obama's 2nd term, I'm pretty sure voters will not want to give up the perks of that bill.

*=The problem remains personally for Rubio in that he's Cuban, and the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans and other Latinos...they and Cubans may share the same ethnicity, but that's it in terms of relatability to each other.