Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Has anyone checked Fox News? Have they gone off totally off the walls yet? lol


ROFL ... Karl Rove refused to believe Romney lost Ohio, Bill O'Reilly said white men no longer control America, and essentially that its all over for this country, an anchor walked off the set, and of course not on Fox Donald Trump has called for a revolution!

I expect Faux News will just go on and pretend Romney won.

Karl Rove is having a painful day after, trying to explain how his machine failed to deliver. On a side note my poor brother-in-law has been in NYC three times in the last year and a half, and every time there he's been stopped by people, who thinks he's Karl Rove. He even had to show his license to a lady, who didn't believe it.

On other notes PA delivered by 5 points as I said it would a couple weeks ago. The day will come again when it goes republican in a presidential race, but this certainly wasn't the time.

I think Congress is going to have to back off its stated priority of doing whatever it can to undermine the President. They won't be running against an incumbent. They won't be as attached to the Tea Party agenda that took all the credit for the 2010 midterm elections, and they know they're being watched closely.