its not just NYPD im talking cops as a whole like 80% are scumbags. You do have your cops who are doing WHAT WE ARE PAYING THEM to do... others are just abusing their power. Had a cop spit a dip wad on my freshly cleaned lincoln today btw after he pulled me over because he thought i was texting when i was actually looking at my GPS to see where the hell i was going. So he apologized by spitting dip on my car then when i confronted him about it he said " Thats why they have a thing called a car wash " then he said if i opened my mouth again he was going to "kick my ass".

I reported him by the way. however im sure he will finger bang the next woman he frisk. fuckin dirtbag

"According to my best recollection,I don't remember."
- Vincent "Jimmy Blue Eyes" Alo