Ah the destructive simplicity of ideology, and those who relish in it within a chaotic, amibigious world.

Which regulations to be precise are so evil? Most regulations more likely than not were imposed in the first place for good rational reasons, not because somebody wanted to murder commerce. I know for some people they mindlessly yell "bad regulations!" until something bad happens, then they demand action, which case they get...more regulations. Somebody dump chemicals in the river and reaches the drinking water supply and people get sick? Duh.

I won't say all regulations are necessary, or necessary anymore unlike the past when they were originally imposed. But which ones exactly you two? Don't give me another blanket statement, we've gotten enough of them this election season.

Then again we live in a time when just because you're make a ton of money, you're now considered a job-creating tycoon like Jobs or Carnegie. With that wonderful bulletproof logic, how about we promote the Mob to office? They're good at making money and "employing" people. How about hookers? Don't diss the jobs they help create with pimps and drug dealers. THEY CREATE JOBS!!!! Willard was a parasite. But he made money!!!!!!!

People like Bill Gates and Carnegie and even Vince McMahon and his pro wrestling corporate empire (his wife is running for Senate this year), they did things that I personally don't approve of. But you can't argue against the fact that they all changed the world around them, or at the least the industries they dominated and kicked in the balls. That impact, with the rest of business/industry responding to what you do, impresses me much more than all the bajillion bucks made from goddman equity.

Then again, standards have been slipping. There was a time when GOP Senate candidates don't call women who get abortions more evil criminals than rapists. Times change.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 11/05/12 11:15 AM.