Afsaneh77 you misjudge me yet again. My father was wealthy and I did grow up in a well to do home. But I am not rich. You wanna know what I do? I'm jazz/blues musician in a band and I work at a small deli. I have no more money than anyone else in this world and for the record I don't take a cent off my dad.

This is the problem I've had with President Obama, he's trying to make this whole election and problems a class war. What does that do other than pit Americans against each other and missing the whole issue? This is not about class. The rich Americans pay MORE taxes in this country because they have more money. But the middle class taxes should be lowered. In fact it's stupid to raise taxes on anyone in our fragile economy right now. That doesn't help growth it discourages it.

One of the things that Paul Ryan has right is that we need to cut a lot of federally funded programs. I wish he would cut military spending but he is economically conservative, and I feel like that's the kind of precense we need in the white house, not a president who spends money like a drunken sailor.

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone