Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Here's what doesn't make sense Dap. The fact that the race is pretty much tied. But Obama has a slam dunk in the electoral college race. You got your statisitics from the Huffington Post: the only other website/blog just as liberal as NBC, and please don't try to tell me they aren't. Where are they based? New York City, otherwise known as the most liberal place on the planet.

Any accurate polling (such as Rasmussen) does not have Obama leading in swing states rather it has Romney up by four percent. Because NBC and Huff think that the Democratic turnout will be the same. It will not. This race is closer than ever.

NYC is not the most Liberal place in the world. Rasmussen is well-known to lean-Republican, they even host GOP fundraisers for Christ's sake.

LOL, are you serious? These are polls of polls! That means that they look at EVERY single poll from both sides (see above) and average them out to get a percentage for each candidate. Polling has nothing to do with the number of people who turned out last time, it is about likely voters now. Stats and probability, somebody I am very well-versed in both which I took numerous classes in Business school.

For the record this is from 538 and Huff post which are both Polls of polls! This is the most overall accurate picture. You can choose to ignore it but the facts speak for themselves, even the GOP happy Fox news has the race tied.

This is ridiculous, I am not going to debate the veracity of polls that are a survey of various polls put together. I cant wait till this is over.

Let's just hold on tight till Tuesday and look at the final results.

Last edited by Dapper_Don; 11/04/12 01:05 PM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.