Originally Posted By: Just Lou
Originally Posted By: Skinny_Vinny

Romney was in Ohio on Friday and drew 20,000. He can't spend every day in Ohio. That state is already over-saturated.

The fact that sick old Bill Clinton has to be bothered spending all day in PA shows the Obama administration knows it could be a toss up. I'll bet the final NY Times poll on Monday or Tuesday puts PA in the toss up column.

Wisconsin has been fighting back since 2010. Biden was there with Clinton too. Another toss up state.

You can believe whatever you want, but the fact is Obama has an average poll lead of 5 points in both PA and WI, and 3 points in OH. There isn't a single poll out there showing Romney leading in any of them. That's a total of about 25 polls. More importantly, Obama has reached or exceeded 50% in many of the polls in all 3 states. Romney hasn't reached 50% in any. You can call these states toss-ups if you like, but it just isn't so.

FMWB just released a poll this morning showing Romeny with a one point lead in MI 47-46

Pitt Tribune has the race tied this morning at 47-47

Rasmussens last Ohio poll has the race tied at 49-49 (he's the only pollster not using a D+5 to D+7 skew in turnout and is therefore the most accurate)

Most elections show late breaking voters go to the challenger when an incumbent is running.

Every poll show Romney leading among independents.

Romney still has an edge at this point. And while I think they both have a shot at winning, you're incorrect in assuming that the Romney campaign can't win in Ohio, Pennsylvania or Wisconsin. I'll repeat what I've been saying: this will be close and no one is running away with it.

Last edited by 123JoeSchmo; 11/04/12 11:54 AM.

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