As crazy as this will sound from me of all people, even the local righties will agree with me that Team Willard today is really losing their composure as if they've decided they can't win and already are concerned with self-preservation and finding somebody to blame, which is each other.

Consider that report today coming from "sources close to the Romney campaign" (translation: leaked from the inner circle) where Romney's original VP pick was Christie and in fact some staff members allegedly were taken by surprise with the Ryan pick.

Now why leak this days before tuesday? Perhaps they're trying to undercut Christie after what he did during Sandy and try to paint him as being a bitter jilted bride? Maybe they're trying to blame Ryan, hang him as the scapegoat? Or begin using the argument that Romney would've won if not for Sandy.

So Ryan, now publicly thrown under the bus as a 2nd choice (and buyers remorse by his boss's people), his people are already publicly talking (anonymously of course) about what he might do if his ticket loses Tuesday. (No running mate does this if they really believe they will win, or have a chance of winning.)

I read all this, and I'm baffled by this defeatist attitude. Sure the polling momentum seems to have gone against them (reverse "Mittmentum") and the electoral odds are against them. But they still have a shot of winning.

Seriously this isn't 1964 or 1984 or 1972 when the outcome wasn't exactly in doubt. 2012 is still a close election, but the fact that camp has lost their nerve is really unnecessary, and well if you don't think you can win, why should your supporters?