The annoying thing is when you actually need/want to read a british novel in the states, you'll probably end up with an americanized version. Like they did with the Harry Potter novels. It's like those british words are too much to handle.

It's an English novel for cryin out loud, let me hear them brits please! if I don't get a word or two I'll look it up. There's no need to destroy the british taste which comes through the language.

What's next? an american version of "Trainspotting"? I'm sure most of it is hard for UK folks as well, but that's part of the charm. It took me a while to dive in the novel, but then it was flowing. I wouldn't want to read it in simple english.

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)