Originally Posted By: Skinny_Vinny
I always thought Bush went for Amnesty knowing the Dems would vote against it, thus it would not pass, and the GOP could use that against the Dems by saying, "The Dems voted against Amnesty".

It wasnt amnesty, and the dems WOULD leap at the chance to vote for it regardless of who was in power.

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
I'll respond (if not read yet) the first and third pieces you linked Dapper.

(1) I like Obama, but he's no FDR who was a master politician. In the late 1930s he prepared himself for the recession that came and survived it very well. Besides the right, if indeed their bubble of self-assurance burts and their sworn enemy is re-elected, will oppose him even if its reform that potentially they ideologically should be attracted to. (Of course the right-wing influenced ObamaCare is Socialism, so I doubt that'll matter.)

(3) Theoretically I could see Willard going Bubba on his base with triangulation. Difference is the liberal base in the 1990s were so demoralized, pussy whipped, and afraid of the GOP, they easily corralled under Bubba. The GOP base is so insane, they won't give a fuck they'll slap Willard so hard his dad 50 years ago will feel it.

I'm reminded of when Dubya boldly went for immigration reform, when he had Democratic support and who the hell knows, could've secured the GOP a permanent heavy bloc of Hispanic voting support. But nooooooo his own base whined about amnesty amnesty amnesty (which it wasn't but you can't argue with morons) and well Dubya lost his party's chance to fulfill Karl Rove's dreams of a permanent majority.

Thanks for your interesting comments Ronnie.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.