Romney and Ryan immediately distanced themselves from Richard Murdock after his remarks. He isn't going to win independent voters by supporting him like you said.

I have seen your points SB, I acknowledge them, and some of them are probably true. But I stand by what I said before: I could bring in a rightwing columnist to counter everything you said. I've been late following this election, so I don't know as much as some but I know enough to make a decision on who I vote for.

Right now this is the way I see it. Unemployment rate is down yes, but it's not because of Obama. Give that credit to the Federal Reserve. They buy bonds and liquify them, pumping money into small and mid-sized companies, who can start hiring people again. Obama has nothing to do with that. And the population/employment ratio is at its worst rate ever.

The bailout was a success. I give Obama credit for that. And the stimulus bill was the right thing to do at the time. But certain government benefits and programs like Obamacare have to go. It's a step in the right direction, but we can't afford it right now. There are things we cannot afford to pay for anymore which brings me to my next issue with Obama.

He wants to tax the upper 5 percent to pay off the deficit and keep funding his programs. But the math on that doesn't work. You tax the upper 5 percent more, that doesn't put a dent in the deficit, plus it keeps people who have money from spending it. Those successful people for the most part worked hard to get to where they are now, why should they be picked on? I am in favor of closing loopholes, so they can't make deductions, but I don't agree with raising the rates.

Our country is not economically sound, and that's what I'm concerned about. He has not done a good job with it. Romney is someone who knows buisness and can improve it rather than run it into the ground. He has convinced me of that.

Two main issues: cut the deficit and create jobs. Romney can do both.

I am an independent living in a blue state. I voted for Obama last time, but I will not this time. He has lost his favor on me and other independents as well, crucial to the election. He had four years to do something about our situation, he's only made it worse. He needs to go. Romney can bring fresh ideas to the plate.

I made my decision today. I vote Romney.

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone