Unlike most in this country, I will listen. If you state specifically what Romney and his campaign have lied about I will only be too happy to hear you out.

But first I would like to point out the following things: Romney cannot change any abortion law within this country, something Democrats do not understand at times. The only way he could is by appointing a new justice if one dies or retires. who knows what will happen, but for now, that is safe.

Another thing, Romney has stated he would cut planned parenthood. But heres my opinion: I am pro-choice. I believe women have the right to abortion and other medical care concerning them. But we are 16 trillion dollars in debt. In this time, some things will have to be sacrificed. It doesn't mean Mr. Romney is against women in any way shape or form. It means he has the mindset to cut programs that we can't afford at this point.

I would also like to know which of these "deplorable" people Romney has surrounded himself. Again Sicilian Babe, I do not disregard your opinion, but you are holding yourself up to think what you believe to be true is "right" and that is the only way to see our country and what we need to do about our problems.

I am not Republican or Democrat. I have my stance on certain issues, but I also have an open mind. I guarantee that SB.

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone