Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

In regards to that: Did you see the clips of reporters asking Mitt over and over again about Fema and if he'd get rid of it. The guy totally ignores them and keeps right on walking. confused

Mitt's all about pleasing the crowd he happens to be with at the time.


Instead of doing a campaign rally disguised as a charity event (with banners and press passes still calling this a "Victory Rally"), why didn't he just stay home for one day and I dunno, donate a million bucks to the Red Cross? And what do you know, he's back out campaigning tomorrow in Florida. (Huh, I thuoght he had that state won. What gives Skinny?)

Ah, Skinny will defend Willard, including not even calling the Democratic Governors of the states going through this mess and how FEMA really is getting in the way of recovery. And that Cristie is evil or something. Whatever his sources will tell him tonight, tomorrow.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 10/30/12 06:51 PM.