Originally Posted By: Skinny_Vinny
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
I am tired of all this campaigning and political bickering between both parties (surprising since I am a political junkie),I cant wait till this shit is over, time to get down to business and rebuild this country.

You'd love it down here. I get junk mail from both candidates every single day. If it's not a letter from the campaign itself, it's one of their super pac groups. Obama was near my house on Thursday. Romney is all over the state today.

But Florida looks to be going Romney. If Obama does not come back here to Tampa or nearby Orlando soon, it means he gave up on this state.

I wouldnt even open the junk mail,I would trash it immediately.

Obama is in Florida tomorrow.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.