To be honest, it seems the bigger the growl, the smaller the bite. Last year's "horror" was supposed to pass right over my house -- I never lost power (on my street, the rest of the neighborhood did!). I know North Jersey got bad flooding, etc, but I was fine. At "ground zero".

Now I might be "ground zero" again -- and while I can hope for the best, and a repeat of last year's eh (here), I have to prepare for the worst.

Since I just got my iPhone 5 the other day (and Apple changed their plugs), I had to go out today to buy a new car charger ($30) which doesn't even include the new cable ($20) to plug into it! I also picked up a UPS (Battery Backup, which is normally used for computers during a power outage; I'm hoping it'll work to recharge my phone in the event of an extended power outage). Another $65. ohwell

Tomorrow I'll be tackling the masses for supplies that won't be on the shelves any more. If the power goes out, that means canned crap. Good think I love eating mini ravioli right out of the can lol wink Batteries, candles, ice (and liquor to pour onto it), and I should be okay.

Don't think I'll need to buy too much Halloween candy this year, which is good, since I still have plenty left over from last year. rolleyes (NO, I will not hand that out!) ...and the "2nd largest Halloween Parade in the world" (Guinness Book) here is scheduled for Wednesday, with Thursday being the rain date. Hmmm.

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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