the main problems that i have with obama are...

#1 the national debt has increased from 10 trillion to 16 trillion since he became president, bottom line. his supporters are always all too quick to blame it all on bush. he definatly deserves some of the blame and president bush was horrible, but the fact remains that our current president spends like a drunken sailor who's mind is rotten from syphilis. justify it all you want, but the fact remains that spending more money than you take in will ultimatly result in financial disaster. i'm not a big fan of this whole "spend more money to fix a monetary problem" as it just goes against common sense imo. the biggest problem we face is not what iran is doing, but rather what these fools continue to do with our tax money and it starts and stops at the federal level point blank.

#2 signing the NDAA, mainly the provision to allow the arrest and imprisonment of american citizens without trial or access to legal concil. i don't care what crime you are accused of commiting, even the modern day terrorism "boogyman", any american should have these constitutional rights no matter what. he then first promised to veto it to kill any opposition to it, then trying to be slick he signed it on new years eve thinking that nobody was paying attention and sadly he was right for the most part. then, saying he had serious reservations about certain sections of the bill,and that he wouldn't use them but then it comes out that his administation were the ones who pushed to get the whole arrest without due process pushed through in the first place. and then to top it off when federal judge catherine forrest ruled it unconstitutional in an ongoing lawsuit, his administration counter sued to keep those povisions that he claimed to be agianst in the first place active and "legal"! makes me sick!

is romney any better? i really don't know at this point as it seems that we are on the fast track to ruin regaurdless. what a shame that ron paul wasn't the republican nominee, a damn shame!

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!