On that note, before the last debate monday and the GOP will go schitzoid on the Benghazi shit:

No evidence found of Al Qaeda role in Libya attack

U.S. intelligence agencies and witnesses paint a picture of an assault carried out with little planning at the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi.


Wasn't it the right wing (with opportunistic Democratic Senators/wannabe-Presidents) who jumped the gun on Iraq and their phantom WMD arsenal? A trillion dollars and nearly a decade later, a shithole still a shithole, a local populace who still hates our guts and values, and alot of our good boys died...

Nevermind that one ugy that Dubya never could find, who was living comfortably within distance of a Pakistani military academy, and (if I remember the alleged story correctly) his location was found because a Pakistani Intelligence service officer was bribed millions to reveal it? Those same people that the GOP (and Democrats I'll add) were afraid of offending?

That's why I admire what Obama did in ordering that raid, done without alerting the Pakistanis (who would've warned OBL and he would've fled)and invading their airspace, and god knows the political fallout if that mission had failed or a repeat of Operation Eagle Claw. It was a risk, but it paid off. (And Pakistan's reactions subsequently revealed what a fraud our so-called alliance is.)

I might add this alliance with those goddamn untrustworthy Pakistanis in that government, the same people who shamelessly give arms and money to the Taliban which have killed so many of our boys, was re-initiated by the Dubya Administration after 9/11? (Clinton had Pakistan and India under intense sanctions after they both broke the NPT Treaty and went nuclear armed.)

I won't excuse Obama for continuing that alliance struck and carried on in bad faith. But just remember all this when Mittens plays G.I. Joe monday night.