fuck both romney and obamma, they both suck! regardless of who wins, the economy will continue to go down the toilet, we will be at war with iran by february, and cival liberties will continue to shrink at an alarming rate. nothing ever changes with this corrupt 2 party system. while honest, hardworking americans continue to get screwed, both of these fools continue to play volleyball with meaningless issues such as gay rights, marriage and other stupid issues that the government has no business even getting involved with in the first place. the only candidate who makes any sense whatsoever is gary johnson, but not surprising he isn't welcome at any of these dog and pony shows that they try to pass off as "debates"! on the topic of debates, i think some of you here might find this video on the commission on presidential debates interesting...

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 10/19/12 07:08 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!