You know what liberals like to do? Panic. Calm down.

Every polling swing this election has taken place after one full news cycle. Every poll but Gallup has shown movement, but the other way. Romney's debate bounce came Friday not Thursday. The same for the 47%. The same for the DNC. So we should expect tonight not yesterday to really start showing results. So far this morning Ras remains unchanged from the week and RAND shows a one-day swing to Obama. Last I checked, 50% Gallup approval this close to the election is splendid.

Again I said this how many times when I regularly visited this thread I created? Considering the economy and this anger out there, why isn't Mittens creaming him and walking to the Oval Office? Why is he struggling with what the right wing thinks is the weak indifferent teleprompter-President? Right wingers will whine and blame the media this, the moderators that, and that's all it is: Crying. And nobody likes a whiner.

Republican candidates have won debates, even when they're arguably rigged against them. They've won elections before, even when the media is arguably biased against them. Quit tearing up, get your balls back from your wife's purse and you know, win?

Oh wait, maybe its because Mittens is just an unlikeable, condescending prick? Maybe Obama is a prick too (in fact I assume he is privately), but when this suppose "featherweight" candidate beat you in the debate rematch when he fully engaged himself and was ready to rumble and let's admit it, made you look like the Mittens in action that your own people try their best to hide and control...dude you got your ass kicked.

I did see one clip from the debate, and that was Obama accepting whatever failures that may've happened under his administration and the way he looked at Mittens. I just don't see Rombo doing that if the seats were switched.

It's funny but DT mentioned Nixon. I'm reminded of that speech he gave to the WH staff on the morning after he announced his resignation. It's very moving. He doesn't blame his enemies, he doesn't fall on his sword but you still get the impression from his body language and shaken language he accepted responsiblity for the scandal that plagued American for almost 2 years. He'll never admit defeat, but he did anyway. I'm also reminded of when from that whole Nixon/Frost circus, he did accept failure in a written statement for Watergate and causing many people to lose faith in the American government.(Even if he then and his death more or less still try to blame his enemies in the media and Kennedys for Watergate.)

*=Maybe Mittens needs a teleprompter so he won't come off as an asshole like he apparently did the other night?

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 10/18/12 01:10 PM.