Originally posted by SC:
Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
[b]It is electric blanket time.
TIS - I'm curious. What do you consider electric blanket time?

BTW - Its gonna get down to about 35° here tonight. [/b]
SC, I don't necessarily pay attention to the temperatures. When I'm cold, I turn up the heat. lol I think when the low's get in the 40's for sure, it's electric blanket time. tongue Btw, it's been as low as 35 here. I've even had days when I had to scrape ice of my car window. eek Usually I'm in warm sweaters when it is 50ish.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon