Did anybody catch the debut of ARROW on CW this week? The new series based off the DC superhero archer Green Arrow*, the pilot was actually quite decent.

Told in a BATMAN BEGINS-esque down to Earth set-up, which is appropriate considering GA started out as a shallow Batman knock-off. I do enjoy how in fantasy we can easily accept as flight of fancy a playboy marooned on an island for 5 years would in that time train himself to not just be a master archer, but also a total badass fighting machine who goes all Punisher on the local hoods when he returns home.

So yes its an EQUALIZER, LEVERAGE sort of vigilante, sticking it to the man fantasy. There's alot of characters and avenues to which to explore for episodes to come (at least based off my memory of the character from the comics.)

*=Why not just call this program GREEN ARROW then instead of just ARROW? Is DC/CW afraid people will confuse this for a Martian porno?