Originally Posted By: Lilo

Does this change your opinion of Lennon? Or does it make you more willing to forgive other abusers? What is your standard for bad behavior for artists?
It's easy to condemn artists whose music or books or other output you dislike anyway. But what about when it's someone whose artistic creations mean something to you?

What do you mean opinion, artistic or personal?

I don't think it changes artistic opinion, since I tend to try to seperate the art from the artist. I mean Roman Polanski, great filmmaker. (GHOST WRITER could teach these punk kid directors how to make a thriller) He also should've gone to jail and not escaped to France.

I've always got the impression with Lennon that he was or can be a dick. Absolutely witty, though bipolar and unpredictable when it came to his former Beatle comrades not named Ringo.* It's why journalists loved him, he rattled off whatever shit comes off his brain that day and doesn't care about the consequences.
I remember that one alleged anecdote I remember reading years back, during the early days of the John/Yoko affair (the VIRGIN LOVERS days) and Yoko reached for a newspaper on the table and SMACK! "That's my paper!"

People do tend to tie their fandom of artists with their public life, or the character they present to the public. It's foolish because inevitably they always come up short. How much of Mel Gibson's global fandom was related to his supposed likeable everyguy persona he always put up in interviews? In what indication did you get of his anti-semitism or his short temper or openly sharing his opinion of women and black people when liquored up?

I might just be one of the few peoples who have no interest in "knowing" celebrities or meeting them. (I don't get autographs either.) Hey I like your music or movies, let's not complete that m'kay?

Lennon was a great musician, no doubt about that. But let's just leave it at that. (Seriously me and Lilo couldn't be fans/admirers of Prince if we let his infamous psychotic assholic reputation define if we can stand him or his music.)

*=I'm still marveled how he was the only one who had a good decent relationship with all the Beatles, when the others loathed each other. Maybe he was too likeable? Maybe they didn't respect him enough to be jealous? Who knows.