Gaeton got 51 months and Marty got 57 months, they both been in the can since May 2011 meaning they got 28 months the fed u do 85% of your time which means Gaeton will do 43 months and Marty will do 48 months. Gateon will be home in 15 months and Marty will be home in 20 months...Southphilly Old Head i agree wit ya about 'why risk the extra four years'. In prison terms those sentences are nothin, i know guys that did more time in the freakin HOLE (RHU)than those sentences!! As for the rest of the fellas and if they will beat the charges, it remains to be seen...Also I found an interesting article online, its old(2009) and its long but its worth the read espesically if ur from downtown..its about this average joe who goes around south philly trying to find wiseguys and he ends up interviewing Uncle Joe!!

Last edited by DomCheech; 09/21/12 02:35 PM.